Patent Consulting

Patent Consulting

Evidence of Use Investigation

Evidence of Use (EOU) studies are performed to identify products or services that may infringe on one or more patents and can help the client determine whether a course of action, such as licensing or litigation, is necessary. Metis is currently working with large global companies prepare their EOUs.

Patent Valuation

Because of our patent-litigation expertise, we evaluate portfolios from an enforcement perspective, considering issues of infringement, validity, legal damages, and encumbrances in performing valuations.

Patent Portfolio Due Diligence

Patent ownership is complex and it is critical to have an accurate inventory of what the acquisition target owns. Metis reduces the complexity in analyzing patent ownership, allowing the client to identify potentially millions of dollars of lost value.

General Counseling

Metis has extensive experience providing strategic counseling to companies of all sizes and across many industries. Our comprehensive patent strategy focuses on the client’s overall goals while controlling costs, whether this includes supporting and augmenting business operations or generating revenues. We advise our clients on ways to optimize their patent portfolios to best achieve maximum results.

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